Societies, Physicians, and Schools of Shelbyville
Shelbyville's secret societies are as
Shelbyville Benevolent Lodge, No. 122,
F. & A. M., organized in 1819, suspended in 1833, and
reorganized in 1847.
Chosen Friends Lodge, No. 11, I. O. O.
F., organized in 1845, suspended in 1885, and will be
reorganized in the near future. Sons of Temperance Lodge,
organized in 1846, suspended in 1860, and reorganized in 1867,
as Shelbyville Lodge, No. 131, I. O. G. T.
Olive Branch Lodge, No. 4, A. O. U. W.,
organized in May, 1877.
Duck River Lodge, No. 10, K. of H.,
organized in 1875.
Corono Council. No. 426, Royal Arcanum,
organized in December, 1879.
Local Branch, No. 60, Iron Hall,
organized in December, 1881.
Y. M. C. A., organized in 1884. Colored
secret societies.
Duck River Lodge, No. 1947, I. O. O. F.,
organized in May, 1879.
Charity Lodge, No. 25, F. & A. M.
The first agricultural society of
Bedford County was organized in 1857, and the fair grounds were
located near Shelbyville. The first officers were as follows:
President, Hugh L. Davidson; vice-presidents, R. H. Sims, G. G.
Osborn, Thomas Lipscomb, W. W. Gill and Henry Dean; treasurer,
Lewis Tillman; recording secretary, J. F. Cummings;
corresponding secretary, John R. Eakin. At the close of the
civil war the society was. Re-organized as a stock company, and
handsome and commodious buildings were erected on grounds just
outside the incorporated limits of Shelbyville. Annual
exhibitions are held, and the society has been deservedly
successful. The present officers are as follows: President, J.
J. Gill; vice-presidents, Oliver Cowan, Martin Euliss and T. C.
Ryall; corresponding secretary, Ernst Caldwell; secretary and
treasurer, John D. Hutton; general, superintendent, C. N. Rice.
The physicians of Shelbyville who have
practiced in the town and vicinity since 1830:
Drs. James G. Barksdale, James Kincade, George W. Fogleman,
Grant Whitney, Brazee, John Blakemore and Frank Blakemore.
Present practicing physicians are Drs.
J. II. McGrew, Thomas Lipscomb, R. F. Evans, C. A. Crunk,
Swanson Nowling S. M. Thompson, G. W. Moody, J. II. Christopher,
N. B. Cable and Samuel J. McGrew The practicing dentists are
Drs. G. C. Sandusky, Edward Blakmore and J. P. McDonald.
The schools of Shelbyville consist of a
graded public school, Dixon Academy, Female Academy and the
colored free schools.
AHGP Tennessee
Source: History of Tennessee, Goodspeed
Publishing Company, 1886.